Emergency Locksmith & Key Service - Alexandria, VA - Alexandria Lock And Key

Get access to your business or residence again

Our Areas of Expertise

  • Alexandria Lock And Key Alexandria, VA 703-828-9076Opening of safes in homes and offices
  • Emergency mailbox lock opening
  • Emergency lock replacement services
  • Emergency unlocking of file cabinets
  • Emergency key cutting
  • Post burglary repairs in homes and offices
  • Lost key support
  • Unlock service for all kinds of locks
  • Emergency auto locksmith services
  • Lock repair services
  • Emergency opening of car trunk
  • Mobile locksmith services
  • Emergency eviction support
  • Lock rekeying
  • Emergency security fixes in home, vehicles or office

Emergency services on demand

When an emergency strikes, the only thing which can make an instant difference to you is the availability of an elite locksmith service on demand. Realizing this very fact, we at Alexandria Lock And Key provide mobile emergency locksmith services, thanks to the fleet of personally-owned and operated mobile vans which give mobility to our renowned services. As a result of this, we are able to reach even the most remotely located emergency lockout sites in and around Alexandria, and do so with very low response times. Our expert locksmiths will reach you on time and also be swift with the very unlock or any other locksmith job you call us for. This way we push for ready relief in cases of dreadful emergency lockouts in homes, cars and offices.

To unlock a safe in Alexandria, VA

Unlock service in Alexandria, VA

24 hour emergency locksmith in Alexandria, VA

Emergency locksmith opening in Alexandria, VA

Emergency Master Key Lock in Alexandria, VA